
Archive for April 23, 2021 .

  • Litmus Test (Part 2)

    Let’s say that the tithe tests how basic you are, how reactive you are to material concerns. This next test asks, “how acidic are you?” What is your threshold for fire? The test is Jesus’ question in the garden of Gethsemane the night He was

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  • Rule 1: Litmus Test

    A litmus test measures the ph of a solution. You dip a paper strip into the solution and depending on the color the strip turns you know how acidic or alkaline the solution is.  There are two instructions in scripture that I think act as a

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  • Rule 1: Mary

    In my last post, I pointed out that Jesus answered the question the expert at the Law asked with The Parable of the Good Samaritan. He did not offer an answer to the unspoken question of “How do I love God?” He answered the question

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