I apologize, the sound quality in this episode is not perfect throughout. There is a little bit of bleed in from the music in my headphones into the mic. I don’t know how to get rid of it completely, and these are entirely unscripted prayers, so there’s no doing it again. It just is what it is. It’s ironic, and maybe providential that in this episode I talk about distractions and worldly noise keeping us from what’s important! 🙂
This one rambles more than the others, and kind of seems like it’s more for me than for others. I wasn’t sure what to keep and what to edit out. The truth is I’m not entirely sure what the purpose of these is. I just know the Lord told me to keep doing them. 🙂
My hope is not that you will just listen to me pray, but that you will pray too. I hope you have a moment with God as you listen. I often find that what I hear other people pray initiates new thoughts in my own mind, and inspires me to pray things I wouldn’t otherwise. I guess that is the hope here, that as you join me and we pray together, you will have an encounter with God that changes your prayer life and helps you grow.
I have a group that I pray with every Sunday that has been that for me. If you have the opportunity to gather with others who will pray with you and be patient with you as you make yourself vulnerable before God, I encourage you to do it. You will be blessed!