
Bathe in Extravagance

Cease striving and know that I AM God.


This verse has been spoken over me for most of my life. At one point it became my mission to help others hear these words. I laugh at myself when I think back, because I was striving to get people to understand what it is to stop striving! No wonder, no one listened. 


I think for us believers, the small taste of God’s love that we have experienced is so good, that we recoil because of our lack of a gift to give, and we run and run to do so much so that we have a gift to give in return.


The sad thing is that God is trying to give us more, but we can’t hear it and receive it until we are still.


God is Love. He speaks all the love languages. The five in the book, yes, but countless others besides.


I believe that we each have in our hearts a unique recipe for love. An original and un-replicated way that we long to be seen and known. And God and God alone speaks that language, knows just the right proportions of affirmation, gifts, service, etc that speak to you.


Furthermore, He is even now as we sit here, speaking out eight billion love songs to each unique human soul on the planet. He deeply longs that they will each stop, be still and open His gift, listen to His song, and bathe in the Extravagance of His Love.


Will you? Will you put down your worries and doubts long enough to receive Him today?

svg2 min read

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