The Creation story has two halves. In the first three days God, Elohim, essentially makes spaces for living things to be. On days 4-6 Elohim fills those spaces with living creatures. I use the Hebrew word for God here, because it is a plural word.
In Cultivate Well I talked about focusing on doing good, sowing something that would bear good fruit and give us something to share, and also about fighting the clutter in our own hearts so that we have space for the good works that God would
In Genesis 3 we see Adam and Eve fall, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is sometimes called a Tree of Testing. It was a test, but what was the lesson? And how were Adam and Eve to know the right answer? Well, it
There is a motif running through the Bible of a Garden – Paradise. The Bible addresses the rat race that we humans set ourselves on trying to get into that Garden. We move from place to place, job to job, relationship to relationship, even church
This is a four part series in which I wish to address and open a line of reasoning around some things that I think are very misunderstood in our culture and in the church today. In this part I will address the idea of maleness/femaleness
If you can say it, you can pray it. 🙂 In John 11:41-42, at the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus begins to pray. He thanks God for hearing Him, and then says, “I know you always hear me, but for the sake of those standing here, that
Cease striving and know that I AM God. This verse has been spoken over me for most of my life. At one point it became my mission to help others hear these words. I laugh at myself when I think back, because I was striving to
I’ve had two dreams recently that have really left an impression in my mind. The details and circumstances of each were different, but at the same time, there were several overlapping ideas. In both dreams, there were young people who were dear to me, and there
I just took my dog for a walk. I had written a draft of this post and needed to pray and meditate before coming back and finishing it. I took her with me thinking it would be good for her, and me. But she is
When I began, Kay Arthur and Precept Ministries crossed my path. I learned her method of studying the bible. It is a rigorous and methodical method of study. In the beginning my quiet time was my life line. I poured hours into reading, studying, meditating