The Creation story has two halves. In the first three days God, Elohim, essentially makes spaces for living things to be. On days 4-6 Elohim fills those spaces with living
People play hacky sack with a spirit of inclusion and cooperation. The point is to keep the ball up together by passing it around the group. Corporate prayer should have
“There is a private place reserved for the lovers of God, where they sit near Him and receive the revelation secrets of His promises.” Psalm 25:14 TPT In Ezekiel’s
In Cultivate Well I talked about focusing on doing good, sowing something that would bear good fruit and give us something to share, and also about fighting the clutter in
In Genesis 3 we see Adam and Eve fall, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is sometimes called a Tree of Testing. It was a test, but what
Intercessors are the type A administrative assistants of God, right? They have lists upon lists and pray day and night without a breath of silence, right? Actually, the best intercessory times I’ve personally seen, never had a list at all. They weren’t conducted like a business
What a person eats becomes a part of them, therefore in many religious teachings what is unclean or unholy, when ingested, has the ability to make the whole person unholy. What a person touches, who they associate with, day in and day out, has the
In a discussion with the disciples Jesus says, “Because of the hardness of your hearts Moses permitted divorce, but from the beginning, it was not so.” So, In the Law, divorce is allowed, but it breaks God’s heart when the only end to conflict is
I was raised in church. Ever since I was a teenager, if you’d asked me what the gospel is, I’d have given you an accurate recitation of protestant doctrine about “salvation by faith in Christ alone, not based on any works I do or don’t
In an earlier blog I said, “Prayer is how we approach God.” Well, what you believe about God often determines how you approach. People tend to think that prayer is asking God for things. And to be fair in the old Shakespearean English “I
In Genesis 2 God plants the garden of Eden and puts in it trees that are “pleasing to the eye and good for food.” In Genesis 3 after talking with the serpent, Eve looks at the forbidden tree and “sees” that it is “pleasing to
Let’s say that the tithe tests how basic you are, how reactive you are to material concerns. This next test asks, “how acidic are you?” What is your threshold for fire? The test is Jesus’ question in the garden of Gethsemane the night He was
A litmus test measures the ph of a solution. You dip a paper strip into the solution and depending on the color the strip turns you know how acidic or alkaline the solution is. There are two instructions in scripture that I think act as a
In my last post, I pointed out that Jesus answered the question the expert at the Law asked with The Parable of the Good Samaritan. He did not offer an answer to the unspoken question of “How do I love God?” He answered the question
“Hear O Israel! The Lord Our God is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” In Luke 10 Jesus has a conversation with an “expert in the Law.” The lawyer rightly identifies